Monday, March 3, 2014

New blog

Check out my new blog!

Collage of my Grandchildren. 

Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 Random Things

Ok this is lame I'm sure and only pertains to me not Steve, he'll have to do his own but here are 25 random things you should know about me; well whether you want to know or not. Unfortunately, I have more than 25 things to list and I'm sure I'm leaving out many other things you really want to know so hope you get a good laugh or feel sorry for me; its up to you. haha

1. I was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
2. I was born a month premature and weighed 4 pounds. My sister had just turned a year old when I was born.
2. I'm the 2nd to the youngest of 5 children.
3. I wanted to learn to play the clarinet when in HS but my dad wouldn't let me but my husband said he'd teach me.
4. I was very shy in school and the boys would turn away when they saw me. Did I smell or what?
5. I wore glasses starting in the 1st grade, then in my Sr. year in HS I got contacts, cut my hair very short and even went to my HS prom with someone from another HS. I guess I didn't smell !! About 9 years ago I had the lasic eye surgery done and its been great; no worries now.
6. I took a self-improvement/modeling course that helped me become less shy and more confident. Do you think it helped?
7. I hate spiders.
8. I've seen Barry Manilow, Kenney Rogers and Dolly Parton, Bill Cosby and Three Dog Night in person.
9. I always wanted to be an airline stewardess.
10. My first car I owned was a Toyota Tercel and I was 26 when I got it. I bummed rides, took the bus or train or rode my bike to work. I hated it.
11. I just love popcorn and chocolate especially truffles.
12. I love the beach and lighthouses.
13. Chatting with my friends is addicting.
14. When I went to Junior High School I had to walk to school even in the middle of winter.
15. I've been to Washington DC, Chicago, Michigan, Utah, Idaho, Minnesota, California, Canada, Hawaii, Wyoming. Would love to go to Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Finland, Germany, Greece, and Italy someday.
16. The first time I went to Disneyland was when I was 49. Sad but true. My parents kept me locked up. LOL
17. I wish I could sing as beautifully as my daughter.
18. My sister and I ran away when we were like 8 and 9; but I did everything she told me to do. I was jealous when my little sister was born and wanted her to go back where she came from; I was 6.
19. I've always wanted a sports car like a mustang.
20. My children and grand-children inspire me. They are a great joy in my life.
21. My husband is my best friend and soul mate and having respect and not controlling me is a great reward.
22. Working out trying to get in shape just sucks; but I've been doing it for 3 weeks in a row. Results baby !!
23. Being lazy is one of my favorite things to do and watching sappy love stories.
24. Once I'm retired it would be fun to live by the ocean where its warm and sunny.
25. Being loved by my husband, family, friends, and God and giving to those I love back makes me the happiest woman ever. If there were a #26 I'd say that turning 50 isn't as bad as people say, even if you gain weight and don't look good naked but it gets better once you get over that hump.